Ruth Ann Richards

The Intuition Connection

Ruth Richards’s passion and purpose in life is intuition. She believes that when we are deeply connected to our intuition, life becomes easier and we feel more empowered. And she would love more of us to feel this way. She now teaches others how to connect to their intuition and I also provide intuitive readings using Oracle Cards (another passion!).

Ruth says: “A full year of mentoring with Jannine has resulted in increased confidence, increased income and benefiting from the knowledge of a business woman who has far more experience than me. Jannine is able to see the trends in my business that I cannot and also to prepare me in advance of what each stage brings so there are fewer surprises for me. The value of having someone to listen, understand my purpose and how my business can prosper whilst simultaneously showing compassion and encouragement has been significant. I believe that my first year of mentoring with Jannine has accelerated what I have done with my business far more quickly than I could by myself.”

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