Nature's Boardroom
A day of renewal for you and your business in nature
Exploring your legacy, purpose and inspiration
Introducing - our greatest mentor: Mother Nature.
Nature’s Boardroom is a creative day for conversation, coaching and strategy.
A one-day immersive experience in support of you and your inherent potential.
As your facilitator and nature connector, I will guide you through this transformative experience.
It’s a day that calls you as a change-maker to take time to unravel or to cross a potential threshold.
What could a day with Nature’s Business Coach transform for you?
Claire Scobie's Experience at Nature's Boardroom:
“The idea of bringing ‘nature to the table’ is something I’d read about, but you need to have the experience to get the benefit.
The day combines a lived embodied experience, left and right brain, with symbolism and sensory meaning in every beat, it has stuck like no other strategy.

“We started inside a meeting room looking out over the stones… doing the ‘usual’ left-brain strategic work as we planned out the next six months of my business. Then, we walked the stones. Jannine observed me and asked questions and then we walked in silence. Once back in our room we reshaped the strategy based on the insights gleaned from being in a natural living system, with wild wind gusts, scudding clouds and the odd sheep.
A week later she presented me with a powerful video of the day where we’d synthesised about 15 themes into 3 themes and created a clear path ahead. I still refer to the video and the notes.”
What is Nature's Boardroom?
Nature’s Boardroom is a transformative experience uniquely crafted around you. There’s no fixed formula. Each session is thoughtfully tailored to meet your individual or team’s needs. Whether you’re seeking a relaxed coaching conversation amidst nature or a comprehensive strategic exploration, we offer a variety of deeply engaging activities, including:
Thoughtful Guided Prompts:
Expert Facilitation and Support:
A Visual Story of Your Day:

Wilma Allan's Testimonial for Nature's Boardroom
“I was conscious of a sense of being protected as I walked around through the stones. And then there were the beech trees on the hill, with a root system running across the surface like a Gorgon’s hair.
Walking through the stones I found certain words cropping up, which I kept a note of.
Second part of the experience was inside where we drank tea and I drew cards, 9 of them. Each card had a relevance to the words that came up.
On completing the exercise it was obvious that each card made up an element of my support system.

Wilma Allan's Testimonial for Nature's Boardroom:
“I was conscious of a sense of being protected as I walked around through the stones. And then there were the beech trees on the hill, with a root system running across the surface like a Gorgon’s hair.
Walking through the stones I found certain words cropping up, which I kept a note of.
Second part of the experience was inside where we drank tea and I drew cards, 9 of them. Each card had a relevance to the words that came up.
On completing the exercise it was obvious that each card made up an element of my support system.
When we consciously connect to that higher energy, we can be shown the deeper meaning of what we are doing, if we allow it.”
Nature's Boardroom for Teams
You can request to join an experience curated with likeminded leaders or bring your own team for a relaxing, memorable and connective experience.
I have found that teams reference these days for years beyond the experience. The environment tends to bring forth some profound moments of connection and insight.
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