How My Mother Tree Inspired a Regenerative Business Retreat

When I arrived in the UK in March 2020, I was in unknown territory in a new country. Unable to meet people in the lockdown, I began walking in the woodlands. I hadn’t realised then that I was entering one of the most profound relationships I would ever have in this country, a deep relationship with the land, before I got to know its people.

In a small village in Wiltshire in the United Kingdom, my neighbours waved curiously about the new faces in this strange, uncertain time. We had to stay inside, but we were allowed to walk, so I walked – and walked.

As I wandered, I fell deeply in love with this land. I discovered my Mother Tree, a quiet, guiding presence that invited me into conversations with her. I wrote stories. I walked, and I wrote, letting the rhythm and voice of the land guide me.

As I tuned into the landscape, a natural question emerged, “Why am I here now and how can I be of service to the earth in my world of business”

From this attuned space, frameworks began to form – first for me, then as a Nature’s Boardroom, then The Growth Experience alongside the private mentoring and coaching for business owners born out of this time of reflection, connection, and deep listening to the land.

But another extraordinary message was received. Help people listen to the land like you are. Hmmm — this one took me a bit longer to process as I first had to trust this voice coming through. That led to a lot of travel around the UK with my husband as we felt into the right place for us to live.

The retreat I Imagined in 2020 needed time to unravel it’s purpose. The perfect farm in Suffolk is now inviting you to listen. When you come to this regenerative farm you will find a unique business model that is a teacher in itself. A place of rest awaits for your ‘retreat’ which is the perfect setting for deep learnings and whispers for you to hear. My hope is that you leave renewed, restored and leave inspired for your next business move.

This retreat will be something extraordinary — a totally unique experience of helping you listen to the land to receive your own messages and guidance on a uniquely creative farm in the full bloom of spring. You will arrive just after the turtle doves return to nest, as they do every year here.

Connecting with nature when you are in business is more than going for a walk, aligning your business strategy with nature to meet your most powerful self so you can be in service to the earth with your business — that’s the deeper invitation in these times.

If you are curious about The Regenerative Business Retreat in May 2025 in Suffolk, UK, please visit this site to hear all the details and book.

I love to model for you how the right path in business emerges when we listen and receive rather than forcing an outcome. That is how this business retreat emerged and this is the invitation of the new business paradigm that requires our trust and transformation.

If you would like to learn more around the story of how the Regenerative Retreat emerged, you can do so by visiting my Medium page and reading this article.

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