Dear Humanity,
Things are not as bad as they seem.
Terrible stuff is happening, but so much good is out there too. It just doesn’t make people as much money, so we don’t hear about it.
And the problem is that the more bad stuff we hear about, the more helpless we feel, the less action we take.
But love and compassion and kindness and generosity and beauty are all around us, all the time.
From the person who brings in her neighbour’s bin to the people dedicating their lives to promoting peace in inner city gangs. From the first summer daisy to the awe of the great plains, from an idle doodle to the canvases on display at the Prado, we live in a world filled with joy, self-expression, innovation, curiosity, love and humanity.
We should never be blind or apathetic to the struggles of others and of the planet, but we must acknowledge the beauty that’s present at all times, and use these glorious messages of hope to fill our tanks so that we, too, can contribute to a wonderful future for everyone.
I’m a fermenter, nature lover, speaker, mentor, river swimmer, wine lover and amateur actor.
I believe that business has the power to create a better world, and that brand and marketing plays a vital role in these times by telling these stories of goodness, generosity, and beauty.
This is where I now direct my professional energy to mentor purpose-led SMEs on how to tell these vital stories.
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