For a long time, I thought I was mad.
I was completely sure my brain was broken because it didn’t work in the way people expected it to.
“You feel too much”
“Get out of your own head”
“My goodness, your life is so great, you are so lucky, what have you got to be depressed about?”
And one of my personal faves…
“Don’t take things so personally”
I know I’m one of millions who were told, and are still told, these things many times over. If you’ve been told these things too, I’m sorry.
People who have been diagnosed with mental illness are reclaiming words like mad, nutter, psycho and mental.
So I’m reclaiming them too.
It being mad, or mental means…
Feeling deeply.
Physical reactions to loss, damage and destruction, even when it’s across the other side of the world, happening in places I’ve never been, to people I’ve never met.
Bursting into tears because something is so beautiful.
I’m happy to be mad.
Because that is how we are meant to be.
We’ve just forgotten. (Or rather we’ve had it systematically trained out of us.)
Because when we realise we are all connected. When we see that what harms one person harms us all.
We won’t stand for it.
We won’t stand for the injustice. The extraction. The exploitation. The wars. The complete disregard for another’s life.
We’ll do everything we can to stop it. Because what hurts others hurts us too.
I know deep in my bones and my being that this is how we are meant to be. It’s how we were many, many generations ago.
Now, we just need to remember.
Amy Wright is a communication professional who has worked with various organizations, including banks, local government, NGOs, and a PR agency. She believes in running businesses centered around kindness and collaboration, emphasizing effective communication with customers and stakeholders to achieve positive results.
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