Dear People of the World
You may not know this but I used to be terrified of you.
You’d see it in the photos of me as a child, standing a step behind my twin sister, one foot turned in, unsure.
I’d project a good story but inside I was nervous about where that connection with you would go. Being afraid of conflict and lacking the language and insight to understand it was always me, not you, I hid my true self away.
And suffered in isolation and loneliness as a result.
Roll on the decades, and wow, we’re in a different place now!
Change happens on the inside first of course, and I’ve been on a huge inner journey that has taken me to some depths – and real heights.
I can see now that you are, at heart, very similar.
We might all look very different and experience the world through a wide variety of circumstances and eyes, but I believe we all want to feel that we belong, that we matter and that we have agency to shape our lives, to feel and find love.
I wish we could communicate that better though.
Less dancing around what we truly want to say and more feeling able to connect from our hearts. Less triggered, reactionary responses, more thoughtful, courageous words and actions.
We have a huge undertaking facing us right now.
Humanity is on course to destroy our only home, Gaia, Mother Earth, through our greed and indifference.
I don’t believe you’ll stay that way though – too many are waking up to the true connectedness of our nature and to the sheer joy of knowing we are all part of one big beautiful blue planet.
Let’s keep in touch hey?
I’ve enjoyed writing to you.
Changing our trajectory is lonely if you work on your own.
Let’s do this together.
All my love
Rhian Sherrington helps clients find clarity, purpose, and confidence. Her holistic approach fosters resilience and growth mindset, empowering individuals to set boundaries and thrive.
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