Here is your template for you to create a great business strategy

Here is your template for you to create a great business strategy
Here is your template for you to create a great business strategy

Planning is the difference between ending up at your intended destination or struggling with where you accidentally got to in business. 

Everyone business owner needs time out to plan, reflect and get inspired about the weeks and months ahead. There is only one way to do this, set the time aside.

Business Strategy Template

  • Where is your belief? A – in what you do B – in yourself.
  • Are you clear on exactly who your clients are?
  • What problem are you solving for your clients?
  • What is your business model?
  • What do you communicate – The message and model
  • How you communicate – The Tech
  • How do you set your pricing and what does that communicate?
  • What support do you have to get there with this business?
  • Are you clear where the leverage is in your business?
  • How do you measure your progress, outcomes and activities? Income, testimonials, feedback loops, tech response, costs, meetings, support?
  • Are you clear on the level of commitment and certainty?
  • All of the above creates your roadmap to follow.

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